Friday, November 6, 2009


Arrogance. Chutzpah. Contemptuousness. Insolence. Pomposity.
Look in the mirror, Nancy Pelosi. What do you see?
But it's worse than that, dare I say.
It's treason.
It's a violation of the oath of office every member of Congress took upon being sworn to serve the people and the Constitution.
It is a totally illegitimate act. It is a power grab. It is a coup.
According to Pelosi and company, there are no bounds any more to what they can do.
According to Pelosi and company, we no longer operate in the framework of limited government.
According to Pelosi and company, we no longer live in a constitutional republic.

According to Pelosi and company, we're now ruled by the whim of men and women, not the supreme law of the land.

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