Saturday, November 7, 2009

Disgusted with this puke

The Obummer spends the first 2 minutes of his speech getting the tribal voters on his side, the guests laughed, applauded and whistled, and then he finally tries to soothe the feelings of the what he views as the military dumb-bells under his amateurish and casual command.  Without the teleprompter his thoughts raced from thinking how great the excesses of the military symbolized by Fort Hood, have been avenged by a Muslim Army Officer, and how he wanted to play golf again with the same foursome from the other week, that female sure looked good from behind.  He doesn't even the know the difference between the Medal of Honor and the political Medal of Freedom, even when he wraps a freedom medal around someone's neck.  After all, one has to be truly 'plugged in' to America to know the difference, and Barack Hussein Obama is about as disconnectted from this country, and especially it's history and traditions, as one can possibly be.  Where is the damn reset button?  He again was clueless without his teleprompter to set him straight.  Don't over-react and possibly offend his constituents with names similar to his.  Don't over-react by a puke who does it all the time, most notably the beltway 'racial' incident.  I am appaled by this turd's blatant disregard for the sensitivity of the situation at Fort Hood.  He has done everything in his power to divide and conquer inside our own border, it's scary as hell.  I don't think we'll ever be able to get the stench out of the White House. 

Oh ya, its not the 'Congressional Medal of Honor 'Winner', like the hero just won an Olympic gold medal.

Its the Congressional Medal of Honor RECEPIENT.  Who keeps saying this fraud is smart?

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