Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Under the guise of Security

Trials begin for devices that can scan your insides.  Full strength X-Ray Body Scanners touted for airports.
The next generation of body scanners to be rolled out in airports will literally be able to see inside the human body, as security personnel gear up to trial machines that use deep penetrating radiation, the same kind hospitals use to examine internal organs and bones.  Our insides must be scanned to make sure we are not concealing explosives, drugs or weapons. 
Despite further warnings from scientists that the scanners will cause cancer in some travelers. It seems our government is ready to push even further and use even more potentially lethal technology, under the guise of security.
Of course, there is a very good reason why internal X-ray scans are only legally permitted to be carried out by a doctor at a hospital or surgery – because they are extremely hazardous and can cause detrimental health effects to those exposed to them.
Radiography and Tomography scanners fire deep penetrating ionizing x-rays. The most recent studies estimated that CT scanners cause 29,000 cancers and kill nearly 15,000 Americans every year. Imagine how that number would balloon if such technology were installed in airports and used every day on millions of healthy people, as if they were routine metal detectors.
It now seems that what at the time seemed a stretch beyond the realms of sanity is actually happening before our eyes.  The TSA is also considering using taser bracelets that can deliver electric shocks to anyone who steps out of line inside an airport or on a plane.  Oh Boy.
We are also being incrementally taught that what goes on in the airports will be transferred to the streets, schools, shopping malls, rail stations and bus terminals.  Once accepted as part of everyday life in airports, it becomes much easier to sell for use in all public places.
 I had the joy of listening to Big Sis harping in my ear yesterday on the subway about ‘if you see something say something’ speech over and over.  Believe me, I was keeping my eye on a little 5 year old boy ‘supposedly’ pretending to play with what ‘appeared’ to be a plastic toy horse.  Kind of scared me, but I didn’t have my phone to call Homeland Security on the little terrorist.
Why don’t we just walk every passenger through an incinerator on their way to the plane.  Of course there will be those who say “If it makes it safer for us to fly, I will gladly die early from a horrible cancer”.