Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cover Up - Conspiracy Theory = Same thing.

The two employees who were granted access to Obama’s bogus Certification of Live Birth (COLB) are NOT document examiners or experts. Joe Miller has a Ph. D. in Political Philosophy — so he’s a political operative — while Jess Henig has an M.A. in English Literature — I’m not sure her dye-job is a political or esthetic statement.They are a couple of partisan Obots — just what you’d expect — Jess took the photos presented on their webpage and did all of the writing, while Bob basically held the COLB open for Jess to photograph — suitable work for a Ph. D.

Those two are completely unqualified to perform any kind of forensic examination of any document, and knows it — and so do Henig and Miller.

FactCheck does say their, “representatives got a chance to spend some time with the ‘birth certificate,’ and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago.” In my mind, that clearly shows they were working with and for the Obama Campaign and that Obama and his people are involved in this lie. No one of any consequence has ever seen and handled this doc.  No  independent certified document forensics examiners.  All we have is internet images and pictures on the net and computer print outs of same waved on a TV screen.  Would have been better to have an independent certified document forensics examiner to go to Chicago or the White House and examine the document!?

No one outside of Obama's campaign and allegedly those two college kids at ( is funded and run by the Annenberg Foundation which also employed Bill "I wish I'd planted more bombs" Ayers and Barack Hussein Obama AKA (Barry Soetoro) have even ever seen in person or held the alleged paper document version of the COLB document folded and photographed and put on the internet.

His is as fake as the one created below.


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