Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Identification Please.

Hmmm - This one's gonna need more searching.

Hand over your lunch money little girl

Not content with robbing the adults, Obama now goes door to door in the early morning hours and shakes down the school children.  'Hey you see the proof right here'...Here it is.......OMG.....

Monday, November 29, 2010


Strange Little People in D.C.

Tried to go purchase a watermelon the other day but this damn little 'Santa wannabe' dude kept getting in the way and ended up biting all the melons in the store.

Baby Bombmaker - Islams #1 Holiday Gift

Another Toy Recall


Look at the photo of the guys above at the top of the page.  Read the Caption.  Then highlight and copy the link below.  It describes what I have been studying for several years.

ME, since I have already read it and know the topic all to well, I am just going to continue to practice pulling down my pants for the TSA, in anticipation of my upcoming attempt to fly on an airplane.  I just hope I don't get seated next to one of those suspected Great Grandma terrorist ladies from Nebraska.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Golden Years

The rate things are going, this is what we will all be seeing as reality.

3 times through the pat down line is enough Barney.

Barney Frank likes to go through Clay Aiken's pat down line, again and again.

Dirty Harry Potter

Harry Potter puts away the wand, and takes up Clint Eastwoods cause.

Recent Toy Recalls

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why I buy new tires every week

Obama's 'stimulus' money at it's very best.  This is actually one of the best repair jobs I have seen around the D.C. area.  This repair job took 3 years 4 months in the planning stage while the finest engineers and workforce could be assembled.   I feel encouraged. 

Meanwhile on a Washington D.C. bench

I decided to sleep in a bit this morning.

The White House Comedy Club

What a joke, and the last laugh is on YOU.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TSA's new booklet

Amish Airlines

Not flying commercial anymore.  I found out I can fly - well for a little way's anyhow - on Amish Airlines.  Its a little primitive, but they just give you some goats milk at the turnstile and you take your seat.  Real simple like.

Tom for President

Hell, Why not?  The office seems to have a new variant every few years anyway.  At least with Tom, we know UP FRONT he is a turkey to begin with.

Role Reversal

Should we Pardon this years Turkey?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Enhanced TSA screening

Checking your profile here... Let's see.  Your not an old lady in a wheel chair, a crippled WW1 veteran, a 6 year old child or a 5 month old baby.  Looks good to me.  Go ahead and proceed through security.  Have a nice flight.

Don't touch my Junk

Paul 'procto' Blart - TSA agent.

How Very Frightful

George Washington is coming back to D.C. and HE IS PISSED

Friday, November 19, 2010

Meanwhile - Obama's latest White House makeover.

As I drove past the White House yesterday, I had to stop - quickly - and take this photo.  Since it looks like the rest of D.C now, I don't think anyone else has noticed or cared.

OMG! Whaddya we have here?

Recently interviewed on Oprah as the worlds 'happiest' man.
Melvin Snodgrass (seen here) eagerly applied to the TSA groping squad when he heard more intrusive screening procedures would come into effect once the latest Govt False Flag terror incident was hatched.  Melvin a lifelong gay man was deemed 'perfect' for the job.  He initially saw a flyer on the TSA website stating only gay and lesbian applicants need apply. 

Barry and Hillary - Reminiscing

Now in their 80's and now living in Cuba, 10 years after Obama got released from the Gulag he initially set up. He and Hillary discuss the good ol days when they helped destroy America as we knew it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My new pack

This is who I roll with.  Now I will have a lookout in every tree throughout America.  All it took was a periodic handful of nuts strategically located.

The Boys are Back

Monday, November 8, 2010


Since I abhor politicians, I am thinking of switching to just showing little lovable, cutsy, adorable cats and kittens playing and cuddling up to everything and stuff...........

How! me Big-Chief again....How?

Monday 08:34 at the White House

Barry discovers Michelle in the bathroom seemingly upset that none of her 26 assistants wanted to paint the damn pig. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Meanwhile at the Hillary Clinton Wax Museum


George Bush 2 years removed.

Seen here in his basement, surfing the net and getting fat like the rest of us.

The Day it all Started

Pelosi on the move

Thursday, November 4, 2010

And now something totally different

Obama's 2012 Election Poster

Early Release...Concept is that he comes to save the the day - um country - that he and the rest of the politicians have already destroyed.  Create the crises, then offer up the solution to the crises they created in the first place.  in the accompanied election materials it states: 'Re-elect Barack Barry Soetero Obama. 
*  We need an experienced president that will create jobs and reduce our 69% unemployment rate.
*  He will get tough with Mexico.  Proclaiming - Stop walking across our border.
*  He will strive to end the wars with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and Yemen.
*  He will supply the 3 million homeless serfs, new tents or tarps.

Re - Elect:  There is Hope.  Be a part of History.  Put down your stale bread and vote Obama......                                         


Another Great Idea

Probably designed and made in China.  Nefariously planned that way i am sure...