Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Crackhead on his recent trip to Afghanistan

Before and after photos

Budget Cuts

Budget Cuts

Budget Cuts

Obama redistribution of Cars

Chinese in Orbit

Brought to you by Obama for a brighter tomorrow

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

America - Up in Smoke

The Choom Room next to the Oval Office

The Real British Flotilla

Titanic sequel finally in Theatres

New from Apple

Just rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic

In Theatres Friday

Obama unveils Bush Portrait

Friday, June 8, 2012

This guy looks like Obama.......

More uncovered photos from Africa

Obama's Re-Election Team

Don't get caught with too much Sugar or Salt in NYC

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Larry Sinclair.  Recently the guy who was appointed to give Larry a polygraph and said he 'failed' 'Move On - Nothing to hear or say here' is a Obama supporter/donor and has been indicted on fraud charges.  2 other black gentlemen were murdered just before the election back in '08' that came out and said they had....homosexual relations with Obama......Reggie Love, former Duke basketball player who was involved in a campus gay incident and was Obama's personal assistant until recently, stated in an interview that he woke the president up every morning.....All of this is inside knowledge here in D.C. but of course the country doesn't need to know.  It isn't important.....

Friday, June 1, 2012

Free Robot Batteries Not Included

Finally the world is finding out what I already knew. Dopehead

Obama's Kodak Moment

The Dogs Revenge

Yes We Can - Destroy America