Thursday, September 30, 2010

Obama at Monticello

Monticello is the home of Thomas Jefferson, in Virginia.  I was there a few weeks back and came across a Sad Obama.   As Monticello reflects stoically, stately, majestically in the koi pond, Sad O reflects on his dropped ice cream. Strawberry. With a waffle cone. Damn.

The Common Politician

Obama Sopranos

Yuuz don't like the Government, we busta up ya face.

Guys on their way to use the eliptical machines

This place offers a TV tray right next to the exercise bikes and treadmills so you have a place to put your half eaten donuts while you work out.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Soon to be mandatory watching in Junior High

This movie has only grossed $13 all year.  Only one person saw it.  Obama himself.

In the White House Situation Room

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

You had better change your image Boy

This was his 17th run in with the law, after which he decided a 'Change' was in order

Opening in Theatres Friday

Bill Clinton's as a toddler

Price keeps going down.

You can still find the six packs next to the unsold Obama Cool-Aid.

People of Wal-Mart #3

Here we have Santa Claus's Weird Cousin and the Skittles lady.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Tonight on MythBusters

Can a Hippo really bite a man in half? 

Nightly News

End of the Recession??????

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Obama The Great

This is the newest Statue to go up here in Washington D.C. This makes Obama's #11 statue spread throught the city.  Obama wanted to have the Jefferson Memorial taken down and destroyed placing a large statue of himself playing basketball in that spot instead.  Goal is to have all the 'DWG' - Dead White Guys' memorials removed by the end of his 3rd year in office.

Obama McBama

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

People of Wal-Mart #2

Hmmm, what beer to get before I go home and beat the wife.

People of Wal-Mart #1

Little Bo Peeps Pimp.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Coming this fall

Obama in the Wizard of Oz

Don't Ask

I had a little too much to drink, kissed a frog as a joke and, well.....  Damn. that's messed up.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Kevin Bacon

Obama Baby Doll

This can still be gotten for a mere $150.  If you shave the hair you can see the 666. Pull the string and it says “I acted poopidly.”  The doll which is made in Kenya can usually be found right next to the Yes We CANdy.


I am starting to think one is sitting right here in my seat


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Crowd control

Been busy coming up with ingenious tools to take care of the zombies that walk amongst us...

My workout buddy

This here is 'Cheeks', we get together once a week to toss rocks back and forth down by the old oak tree.

He has a bad temper......

9-11 rememberence

Took this photo in Lexington Virginia, where they were having a 9-11 ceremony.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yoda's Sister

She is still living on Dagabah and if you wish to contact her, she is on her planet's version of Facebook.


Picture says enough......

Thursday, September 9, 2010

#1 Bestseller in 2145

This is a book by our supreme leader Malia Obama 111, Baracks great great granddaughter.

And the Finale

English Grammer by Snoop Dog

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Not A Muslim

Actions speak louder then words.

Hydrogen Barackside

The cure to all your ills.   OR is it the other way around?
