Thursday, January 21, 2010

Obama pretty much states he is a muslim

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Post Election Stress Disorder

Something just isn't quite right in the OutHouse

Our new GM Flintstone's Car

Barack was so impressed with the cartoon he was watching the other day, he decided "WHY NOT" make these for the masses - it will be good for them.

Evil Dolls

These didn't sell very well last Christmas except in Chicago and Washington D.C.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The L o n g Road

I don't trust that bridge, he has got it rigged. 

Gangsta's new Two Face

Economic Recovery Obama Style

Year 2011, unemployment at 68%, nobody was left employed to take care of the stink house.  Obama tried to use the lawn mower, but with no luck.  See, they didn't have those in Kenya, nor functional toilets. 

Bowing to the Porcelain King

Obama ran out of other people and objects to 'BOW to, so he figured "What the Heck".

Thursday, January 14, 2010

First there was WW2's Tora Tora Tora

The day before Friday the 13th

Airport Body Scanners

What the screener sees in the back room is photo A.  With simple software, you can invert the picture and 'Wa La, you know have a genuine porno pic for them to see.  The TSA has been lying about just how instrusive these scanners are and about how they blend out your face and certain other areas.  The maker even admitted that in doing so it doesn't make the scanner work as well as intended.  And yes there are mechanism to save those photos. 

There is something wrong with Mr. Bean

He was a little upset he lost out on the starring role in last years movie, Orphan.  Thought he would have been a better fit.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Coming to America

This photo is a few years old, but was taken when he stepped off the plane from Africa.

Bat Sparrow

Damn things are causing havoc in my attic.

Before he was Hur - He was Hur

2010 - The Mayan's Got it all wrong

Late Train

Movie producers thought the original 3:10 to Yuma went by too quickly, so they came out with a sequel, this time everyone is taking their time.

Obama declares war on Pandora

Osama wins a Nobel.

The Nobel peace prize people, known for picking the wrong person year after year.

Good Luck

This will only hurt for a little while

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Self Promotion

Yes, actually he came out and said in a televised interview that he gave himself a B+ this past year.

The Lame stream Media probably agreed.

Obama Receives his Kenyan Birth Certificate

This was presented to him right after he accepted his Nobel Peace Prize, and right before he ordered drone predator attacks on poor little afghan children just outside in their yard playing pattycake bakers man.  He then walked off stage laughing about how stupid the voters were to vote for him.

One More Step Mr. President

Not the Change i was hoping for.

The Obama Mad Hatter is still in place at the Outhouse.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

O' Bucket Head

Obama's Wall Street Bonuses - Outrageous

Any Rat will do

Obama, seen here bowing to a local sewer rat soon after bowing to the other sewer rats in the capital building.

Obama's Bail Out Hope

It isn't working.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tiger's Bedroom Golf Score Card

Honest Abe Digging Out

Too much squabbling on the hill there in DC, so Abe just stood up and starting plowing the snow himself.

Dr. Harry Reid

Friday, January 1, 2010

My 2010's biggest prediction

I have the feeling that Obamageddon will announce Martial Law in the U.S. right before the Elections in November, or before the new group is sworn in IF the Dems continue to tank this coming year.  I believe him and his group will NOT give up the control they have now.  Martial Law of course would prevent the elections taking place.   Like he said on TV during an interview this past year.  "I plan on being the president for a long time.   Of course this is not a positive thought, but i just don't trust many people anymore, especially anyone in DC.

Obama and Gore at Global Warming Summit

This is how it should be

Hey Al Gore - STFU