Thursday, December 31, 2009

My New Bird Dog

It is having trouble barking, but the bite sure is NASTY

Confused Queen listens to Obama

Bill Clinton is WRONG, we shake hands....  Oh by the way, did you enjoy the ipod i got you?  I included hundreds of photo's of me, and me singing in the shower.

Do as I say - not as i do.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stimulus Swindle

#1 at the Box Office. 

Stimulus Money

Spend Spend Spend

Presidential Lollipop

The Dance

What was Rahm Emanuel saying to you?

Monday, December 28, 2009


Obama's first day in the Oval Office. 

He who Bows

Obama bows to the sun, and later will bow to the moon. 

Family Values

Dorothy Gale

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Obama has a house party

Michael Jackson and Bubbles

This photo was recently found at Neverland Ranch.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hard Times

California Fiscal Crisis

Bringing him back home

Obama's recent world trip, had him 'Bowing' to everyone, and damnit if he wasn't stuck in that position.   Michelle had to bring him home that way. 

A Matter of Safety

Ok, so this is a day late. 

Friday, December 25, 2009

Rosie Sets the Record Straight

Eeeeks.   Barry Soetero gets the day off as I don't want to start my Christmas day with thoughts of him, so our dear dear Rosie gets top billing.

Cat Stevens

By popular demand, newest photo of this now muslim singer. 

Bill Clinton Looking Pretty

Baldy Bush

Amanda Knox Guilty Verdict

Best selling book this Christmas

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If George Washington was still in DC

I can hear Obama saying - Thank you, can I have another.

Plastic Coins

Paul Blart - Mall Cop 2

Out for a Drive

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Worlds going to the Dogs

Oh Hush up kid, wait your turn!!!

The Obama Ruble

Near Twilight

The Texas Chainsaw Purchase

Where it all began.

This is the Change he spoke of

TV Garbage

William Shatner

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Before Harry met Sally

It's me, George

Been seeing this guy around alot lately begging for change.  Told him I don't have any, and HATE the change that I have gotten since he left office.

George Bush - checking on most popular web searches.

Oh no!  Obama gets more hits then me now.....

Obama Goes All In

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another Unemployed Guy

I came across former President Bush while panhandling on the streets of Seattle recently.  I made 35 cents more then he did. 

Yes We Can Do