Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yes We Can Can - I Think

Over Eater's Anonymous

I Accept

Damn narcissist.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Get off my Back

He cannot fix the mess in a thousand years.  He is making it worse on purpose.

Dr. America Himself

Oh, I am in SO many ways.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Half Baked

Change we will all soon see

Obama's Bailout Failure

The boat is still sinking fast.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Obama meets the troops

Decided to go spend a little one on one time with the guys on the front lines.  He had basic questions like
'What does a soldier do'?
'Why are you guys all dressed the same in those funny costumes'?  
'Don't those thingy's there hurt people'?

Decided to turn this job offer down.....

Great Depression 2.0

Can't pay an Arm and a Leg?  The Govt will take the Legs!!!  And come back for the Arms later....Doh

It saddens me to think things are going to get much worse.  Government cannot continue to do the dog and pony show much longer.  When the water rises over the dyke it is gonna flood big time, and the sandbags are now in short supply.  More of the populace is starting to peek over the phony wall that has been erected and it isn't a pretty site.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Coming to Amerika

Coming to Amerika part 2

Actual 1934 newspaper Cartoon

Get out your magnifying glass and read the similarities.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Gone with the Wind remake

I have been holding off, but i need a diversion, and what better then a 3 1/2 hour movie starring this lovable couple.

Unusual Friends

Chevez Tells Obama he should follow Venezuela's Socialist Path

Obama replies, "Yeah, sure thing.  In fact, I already am."

Bat Boy turns up for own Book Signing

Scares the hell out of everyone.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall of the Republic

the following link will take you to Alex Jone's 'The Fall of the Republic'  I urge you to watch this when you have the time.

Baby Jane Remake


You Feel Lucky? Punk!!!!  Then Play it Again Sam...!!!!

After The Change

2013 - One year after Obama's term ended, Barack and his woman in front of what is left the Out House after his disastrous change.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No Hope - Just a Dope

First 100 minutes

Outside of destroying this country in every way possible, he hasn't done a damn thing.  Oh ya, his very first task he did once signed in was to grant executive privilage in not having to release his personal documents that are sealed and that he has spent according to SEC records over a million dollars now to legal firms to keep them from the media.  Nothing to hide there now is there.

Dumb & Dumber

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Goon Lake - 'Rahmbalina & Company'

The doctor will see you now

Obama Straight Jacket

Obama wanted Government healthcare and he got it, but the thing is, he had to go on it too.  And after all the nuts in the government started getting stranger then before, they had to reopen old mental health institutes, and well this picture speaks for itself.

Puking in Washington State

Is there a vaccine somewhere in that public option healthcare plan for nauseated people who can no longer stomach Obama and his entourage for their twistn'lies just about for everything!!!!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cracker Jack Award

In one mindless stroke, the committee has rendered the Nobel Peace Prize a laughingstock, perhaps for as long as a generation.  Actually long ago when they awarded the prize to the likes of Arafat, Carter, etc it started to be a true act of destruction.  One other thing, the cutoff date for nominations for this award this year was - get this - February 1st.  Yep, just 11 days after Obama supposidly swore in to uphold the constitution. 

Don't Ask - Don't Tell

On the bright side, at least they'll have cammo from ANY given situation.

Acorn Worshipper

Obama what big ears you have - the better to hear only what I want too.  Obama what a big nose you have - The better to stick it where it doesn't belong.  Obama what a big mouth you have - The better to tell lies with.  Obama why do you worship acorn? - Well, I need some nuts to do my dirty deeds!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Campain of Terror

The gathered crowd murmured questions as the banners changed on stage.......Suddenly from offstage left, Hillary came running out guns blazing, screaming incoherently about how she's got the answer to foreign policy!!!

Sadly for those in the front row it was the last thing they ever saw.




Still in its original package.

Chicken arrested for trying to cross the road

Friday, October 16, 2009

Balck Bear Crow

Saw one of these at the lake a couple weeks ago.  Freaky.

Muffy & Fluffy

AP declared Obama “Kenyan-Born”

John Charlton
The Post & Email
October 16, 2009

What most people know is that the Associated Press (AP) is one of the largest, internationally recognized, syndicated news services.  What most people don’t know that is in 2004, the AP was a “birther” news organization.

How so?  Because in a syndicated report, published Sunday, June 27, 2004, by the Kenyan Standard Times, and which was, as of this report, available at

The AP reporter stated the following:

    Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

This report explains the context of the oft cited debate, between Obama and Keyes in the following Fall, in which Keyes faulted Obama for not being a “natural born citizen”, and in which Obama, by his quick retort, “So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency”, self-admitted that he was not eligible for the office.  Seeing that an AP reporter is too professional to submit a story which was not based on confirmed sources (ostensibly the Obama campaign in this case), the inference seems inescapable: Obama himself was putting out in 2004, that he was born in Kenya.

The difficulty in finding this gem of a story is hampered by Google, which is running flak for Obama:  because if you search for “Kenyan-born US Senate” you wont find it, but if you search for the phrase without quotes you will find links which talk about it.

For those who believe what they see, here is the screen capture of the page from the Kenyan Sunday Standard, electronic edition, of June 27, 2004 — Just in case that page is scrubbed from the Web Archive:

kenyan born

Readers should take note that this AP story, was syndicated world-wide, so you should be able to find it in major newspapers, archived in libraries world-wide.  If any reader does this, please let The Post & Email know, so that we can publish a follow up-story.  You can scrub the net, but scrubbing libraries world-wide is not so easy.

Hanen of Sentinel Blog Radio broke the public news of the existence of this AP story at on October 14, 2009 at 12:31 pm.  However, The Post & Email can confirm that a professional investigator had uncovered this story months ago, and that certified and authenticated copies of this report, meeting Federal Rules of evidence, have already been prepared and archived at many locations nationwide.

It should be noted that on January 8, 2006, the Honolulu Advertiser also reported that Barack Hussein Obama was born outside the United States.

A Chronology of Deceit

One can now ask an important question which has not yet been emphasized enough:  “Just when did Obama begin to publically claim he was born in Hawaii?” This question is distinct from the question, “Just where in fact was Obama born?”, and from the other question, “What do official documents say about where he was born?”

Regarding his claims, we can summarize what is known:

1. As of Monday, Aug. 28, 2006, Obama’s Campaign was putting out that he was born in Hawaii.  This is known from the  introductory speech given by Prof. George A. O. Magoha, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nairobi, on the occasion of a speech given there by Senator Obama that day. (One presumes that the Vice-Chancellor was given notes from the Obama campaign, as is customary on such occasions)

2. From the newspaper reports above, it is clear that the Obama campaign was putting out that he was born in Kenya, or overseas, during the period of June 27, 2004, until January 8, 2006.

3. In October of 2004, during the ABC Chicago Affiliate’s broadcast of the Obama-Keyes debates, Obama openly admitted — he conceded — that he was not a natural born citizen. (C-Span aired the uncut version of the debates, which contained this exchange, in the second half of April, 2005)

4. It is known from a classmate of Obama at Harvard University, that while at Harvard, Obama at least on one occasion admitted that he was born in Kenya. (This friend went on record on a call in radio program in Idaho in early July, 2009)

If any reader can find a link which documents a claim to a birth location before Aug. 28th, 2006, which differs from this timeline or which supports it; please let The Post & Email know of it, by posting it in the comment section below.

In a follow up report, The Post & Email has published a brief analysis of the Google Newspaper archive, which shows that Obama’s story changed after June 27, 2004.

Finally, that the AP did cover this story, reprinted by the East African Standard, can be seen from the citation made to AP stories about it (Jack Ryan dropping out of the race), in the following contemporary news articles, which however are incomplete:

June 25, 2004 —,2933,123716,00.html

June 26, 2004 — Bellview News Democrat

June 26, 2004 — AP Online Story by Michael Tarm

June 25, 2004 — AP Syndicated Story by Maura Kelly Lannan

(Second Source on June 26, 2009, which cites Associated Press Special Correspondent David Espo and reporter Dennis Conrad as contributors to this report)

(Third Source, The Ledger, print edition of June 26, 2009: partial republication)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Apologizer in Chief

Coming to theatres soon, worldwide.